Welcome to ARIADNE version 4.0
Welcome to the shARed mInotAur Database exploratioN Environment, or in short ARIADNE.
This application was developed as part of the actions of MINOTAUR project, under the EJP Soil program. The objective of ARIADNE is to provide an easy to use user interface for the exploration of Europena soil biodiversity data that were collected and harmonized during the MINOTAUR project
There are two main modules in ARIADNE: The Overview and the Analysis.
The Overview module is used to filter the database records on the basis of different metadata (i.e. land use, management, country, and biota group) and to visualize the number of selected records, their geographical distribution, and their distribution per Member State. Records that are filtered in the Overview module, are used to display analysis in the Analysis module
The Analysis module is used to show the actual analysis on the selected records. Here analysis are organized based on different indices and on different level of soil biota
Sample selection
Adjust map visualization range
Bacteria (Metabarcoding)
Fungi (Metabarcoding)
Microfauna (Nematodes)
Mesofauna (Microarthropods)
Macrofauna (Earthworms)
Microfauna (Nematodes)
Work in progress
Stay tuned for updates!
Microfauna (Nematodes)
Work in progress
Stay tuned for updates!
Microfauna (Nematodes)
Work in progress
Stay tuned for updates!